Adopting the effective organizational and technological solutions at building reconstruction


  • I. А. Sokolov Department of Construction technology, State Higher Education Establishment “Pridneprovskaya State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture”, Ukraine


Design solutions, organizational and technological solutions, indicators of complexity


Summary. The technical conditions of industrial objects require modernization, conversion and re-engineering. It determines the need for their reconstruction. Process of construction and installation works in the existing technological structure conditions is complicated. And there are many restrictions in the choice of technology and organization of construction. This thesis provides a method of making effective organizational and technological solutions, which are implemented in the project of works of reconstruction. The methodology is based on multifactor quantitative evaluation of proposed changes to the space-planning and constructive solution of the building, as well as indicators of the possible variants of organizational and technological solutions. This goal is realized by a comparative evaluation of the level of complexity of the proposed project design and complexity of organizational and technological solutions, with making an establishment of their compliance rate. Analysis of the reconstructed building design solution involves identifying and forecasting the impact of significant indicators on the technical and economic indicators of organizational and technological solutions. Analysis of organizational and technological solutions involves identifying parameters, requiring treatment to improve the efficiency of assembly processes. Organizational and technological solutions difficulty is a multi-factor quantitative assessment, which is obtained on the basis of proposals of the building designers.. At unsatisfactory results of comparing the levels of such two complexities it is required to work out the various options of organizational and technological solutions to a level that allows to minimize the financial costs of doing demolition and installation work. Effective version of organizational and technological solutions is the basis for the creation of works project for the reconstruction of the industrial object.

Author Biography

I. А. Sokolov, Department of Construction technology, State Higher Education Establishment “Pridneprovskaya State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture”

doct. Sc. (Tech.), docent.


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Energy, ecology, computer technology in construction