Device for pneumatic overload of fuel pellets
Fuel pellet, speed circling, micromanometer, chamber static pressure, unloaded cyclone.Abstract
Purpose. The cheapest way to transport large quantities of fuel pellets over long distances is rail transportation. However, the process of unloading railway wagon requires significant labor costs and lasts a long time. In this regard, the process necessary make the most mechanize. The aim of this work is to develop a setup design concerning reloading of fuel pellets based on grain-farming and also study of the economic feasibility of this construction.
Methodology. The basis for the installation of pneumatic overload fuel pellets is installation agricultural grain-overload. The main elements of installation are high pressure fan, conveyor cyclone, and gateway or screw feeding device and flexible product pipeline with pipe for air intake. The analytical studies of fuel pellets were conducted. The comparison of speed circling and speed transportation of fuel pellets and widespread agricultural crops for which the pneumatic conveyors are used was carried out. Parameters of transportation of fuel pellets are close to the parameters of cereals. This indicates that pneumatic conveyors can be used to transport fuel pellets. Experimental studies have been conducted where it was determined the actual pellet`s speed circling of fuel pellets using an experimental installation.
Fidings. The results allow us to offer a simple, effective, and most importantly, inexpensive installation for unloading pellets. The installation consists of a high pressure fan, unloaded cyclone and flexible product pipeline with pipe for air intake. Cyclic mode work of installation eliminates using the expensive gateway or screw feeding device. In this case, the volume hopper of unloaded cyclone should be about 25% larger than the volume of container loading. For standard big-bags with size of basis 900 × 900 mm and a height of 1600, 1800, 2000 mm hopper volume should accordingly be 1.65, 1.85 and 2 m3. The total installed cost of installation will not exceed 50 thousand UAH, which is five times less than the cheapest industrial model.
Originality. Was developed the advanced design installations for pneumatic overload of fuel pellets. Parameters of transportation the fuel pellets are close to the parameters of grain crops, indicating the possibility of using pneumatic conveyor.
Practical value. The proposed installation is cheaper than the cheapest industrial model. Parameters of transportation of fuel pellets are similar to the parameters of cereal crops, which is why pneumatic conveyors can be used for transportation fuel pellets.
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