Analysis of factors determining to productivity tube wells
Roll, perfect well, pressure aquifer, productivity of wells.Abstract
Purpose. The study subjects related to water sources and intakes, practical means to familiarize students with the methods of choice intakes, establishing their characteristics, calculation of the basic parameters and the selection of appropriate equipment. The complexity of the calculations is the large number of related hydrogeological characteristics of the aquifer and the location of the well in it. Evaluation of qualitative effects of these variables on the productivity of the wells will optimize the calculation methodology, reduce the time and labor intensity, to develop proposals for possible changes in the estimated productivity through greater variation of determining parameters.
Methodology. We used analysis of the impact the determinants and groups committed to the productivity of individual tube wells under pressure aquifer. The algorithm changes in the calculation method for determining the productivity of the well through the exchange variation of the determining factors.
Findings. It was established that the determination of the efficiency of tube wells rather complicated task that requires experience in the design, accounting and multiple changes in a number of mutually determining factors. It is shown that the need to change the values of the determining factors in the calculation method is maintained at all stages of the calculation. It was found that the proportional change in the productivity of the well by varying the values of individual parameters occurs. Separate them will alter the productivity of the well at times, which can make the final calculation of erroneous and irrelevant.
Originality. Analysis of factors affecting the productivity of single perfect tube wells taking water from the pressure aquifer. Recommendations for improving the technique of designing intake facilities of a specified type. Showing controlled direction changes in the values of efficiency of single wells.
Practical value. Using the results of the analysis of the effect of individual factors on the productivity of individual wells allowed to optimize the calculation method of tube wells, show the possible direction of adjusting the boundaries of the real productivity and develop a nomogram for the calculation of the wells with the possibility of defining parameters of operational changes affecting their productivity.
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