On the stability and controllability of the tsu on pellet


  • А. А. Chornoivan State Higher Education Establishment “Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture”, Department of Heat Engineering and gas supply, Ukraine https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0406-0601
  • K. О. Goloschapov State Higher Education Establishment “Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture”, Faculty of Life and Environment TechnologyspecialtyHeating, Ventilation & Gas Supply Engineering & Air Protection, Ukraine https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2327-806X


Pellets, TSU, resistance work, combustion mode


Purpose. Consider the various schemes offered pellet burners and second solid fuel domestic and imported. Plans discussed in terms of stability and manageability. Identify problematic places and factors affecting the combustion process and eliminate its possible shortcomings. Clarify influence on the combustion of various elements of the design. Find disadvantages burner control schemes work.

Methods. The following describes in detail the practical use of the authors of the burner control scheme with the introduction of a control loop feedback. Showing given an explanation and a significant increase in stability zone running scheme for the deviation. The table also shows the block diagram power control circuit burner. In the particular case circuit serves the purposes of the support all complex parameters TSU - the consumer; for example, maintaining the temperature in the greenhouse as during the day - at night, and autumn - winter.

Results. Noted narrow zones of steady work because of strong non linearity and interference parameters characterizing the system. So great heat capacity of the furnace burners shell determines the phase delay circuit self-regulation of the combustion process. Probably not add stability design elements such as the separation zones and the zone of the furnace main burning combustible gases, as well as the use of common thrust to form a primary air flow, rather than the fan.

The novelty and practical significance. With the introduction of feedback, which eliminates the effect of disturbances, it is possible to control power adjustable traction burners low power 4-20 kW, 50 kW burners and more regulated primary air, given the fact that such secondary air burners served with necessary excess. Set thermostat at the desired site technology enables previously inaccessible to stabilize the output parameters TSU complex object. If necessary, the temperature can be changed on schedule, schedule and others. A well designed system with the control unit allows you to adjust capacity in the range of 65%.

Author Biographies

А. А. Chornoivan, State Higher Education Establishment “Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture”, Department of Heat Engineering and gas supply

head of the lab., assist.

K. О. Goloschapov, State Higher Education Establishment “Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture”, Faculty of Life and Environment TechnologyspecialtyHeating, Ventilation & Gas Supply Engineering & Air Protection

st. gr.HVGE-12-2


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Energy, ecology, computer technology in construction