The use of the multicriterial selection for finding solutions in tasks of analysis and synthesis with tube gas heaters in building structures
Tube gas heaters, building structures, multi-objective selection, evolutionary search algorithmAbstract
Purpose. The heating system with tube gas heater located in building structures is promising alternative to central heating network. Gas - channels can be placed in the floor, ceiling or walls. It is necessary to solve the problem of analysis and synthesis of tube gas heaters in building structures for the design and construction of such heating system. Mathematical model of this system consists of: a mathematical model of the tube gas heater, mathematical model of heat distribution in building structures and relevant boundary conditions. To solve the problem of analysis and synthesis is necessary to use multi-objective selection. The aim of this work is to develop a general algorithm for finding solutions to the problems of analysis and synthesis gas tube heaters in building structures using multi-objective optimization.
Methodology. It was proposed general algorithm for finding solutions to the problems of analysis and synthesis gas tube heaters in building structures. Was used multi-objective selection by this algorithm. Was applied evolutionary algorithm for finding the most attractive solutions.
Findings. Was constructed general scheme of solving problem analysis and synthesis of tube gas heaters in building structures. Was used multi-objective optimization with the help evolutionary algorithm random search of the most attractive solutions to solve these tasks.
Originality. Was proposed to use multi-objective selection in evolutionary algorithm random search for solve the problems of analysis and synthesis gas tube heaters in building structures like complex challenges. The unknown parameters of the desired solution may include nonlinear.
Practical value. The use of surfaces of structures as heating surfaces for heating by means of use of forced relocation of gas source is an alternative and long-term way. Was developed the construction of the tube gas heaters located in building structures which allows with small capital costs to provide space heating. It is necessary to solve the problem analysis (calculation) and synthesis (design and management modes) for quality design of such systems . Was invented the approach to solving problems of analysis and synthesis will improve the quality of project work. Was prompted in solving problems of analysis and synthesis of heating systems to use multi-objective selection, which allows to exploit an evolutionary algorithm to find solutions.
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