Research of degree of cleaning of pylegazovoy of mixture is in drawing ventilation
Vent extrass, ground concentrations, reliability, cleaning, expected value.Abstract
Purpose. At determination of sufficient degree of cleaning of vent extrass and calculation of the maximal ground concentrations of contaminents in most cases does not examine the questions of reliability of providing of sanitary-hygenic norms. Researches of intercommunication of degree of cleaning of extrass of contaminents from their mass and am the purpose of this work.
Method. A research method is based on a probability theory and mathematical statistics, operating method of OKD-86. Research is conducted on condition of hi-rel quality of atmospheric air on the criterion of not exceeding maximal valid for one occasion border to the possible concentration (MPC).
Results. Assumption is entered, that reliability of quality of atmospheric air on the criterion of MPC is determined as probability of not exceeding even one concentration of contaminents which are thrown out, it maximally valid for one occasion maximum possible concentration for settlements. It is rotined that managing mass of the troop landing it is possible to labour for quality of atmospheric air high-reliability providing of MPC. The results of calculations for ventilation when released into the atmosphere of dust-gas mixture..
Scientific novelty. Design parameters of emission sources and characteristics of the environment are considered to be independent random variables with known distribution of the density.
Practical meaningfulness. It can draw on the results of researches in the projects of building and reconstruction of objects and buildings, reconstruction, at the choice of cleansing devices grounded the sufficient degree of cleaning of vent extrass.
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