Evaluation change settings indoor environment over the life of the building and systems engineering
Climate, heating, ventilation, air-conditioning, microclimate parameters, human, well-beingAbstract
Abstract. For human life, his health, as well as management of technological processes in the room should be maintained within the parameters of the microclimate optimal or acceptable sanitary standards. Normative term of operation of heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC), depending on the type and purpose, from 10 to 25 years. However, be aware that the external building envelope, as part of the shell allows the energy to form the indoor climate. Normative term operation of various buildings is about 50 years, and sometimes more. Maintaining normalized microclimate parameters HVAC systems within the building premises in multivariate impact on them quite a challenge that must be addressed throughout the operation phase. Regulatory norms of microclimate parameters, which are taken at the design stage, does not take into account obsolescence, defects, destruction, etc., as the building envelopes and HVAC systems. Such a situation may lead to a decline in the quality of the microclimate in the premises, and a negative impact on well-being and performance. Maintain high standards of occupational safety and health by providing normalized parameters of the microclimate in the buildings with signs of obsolescence, defects and destruction, relevant today for Ukraine.
Purpose. To conduct the study of microclimate in the premises, showing signs of obsolescence, defects and damage.
Methodology. Estimation of the parameters of the microclimate in the premises held on the following parameters: temperature of the indoor air; radiation temperature; the relative humidity of indoor air; speed of internal air; temperatures on the interior surfaces of building envelopes. Measurement parameters were based on in-situ measurements in the plan and height of the room, followed by mathematical processing of the results.
Findings. As a result of field studies, the values of microclimatic parameters which indicate that various factors and the aging of the outer shell of the building and engineering systems lead to a local change of temperature, humidity and the speed of the indoor air, which in turn affects human well-being in the workplace.
Originality. Studies microclimate parameters give a new approach to the evaluation of its parameters in a sign of obsolescence, defects and destruction of buildings and HVAC systems.
Practical value. Getting results on the study of microclimate in the premises with signs of obsolescence, defects and destruction of buildings and HVAC systems possible to determine the factors and their influence on the change. To plan ways of assessing and predicting climate and its impact on human rights.
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