Development of power machinery effective hybrid heating system cottage


  • A. O. Petrenko Department of heating, ventilation and air quality, State Higher Educational Institution "Dnieper State Academy of Construction and Architecture", Ukraine
  • V. O. Petrenko Department of heating, ventilation and air quality, State Higher Educational Institution "Dnieper State Academy of Construction and Architecture", Ukraine
  • I. V. Golyakova Department of heating, ventilation and air quality, State Higher Educational Institution "Dnieper State Academy of Construction and Architecture, Ukraine
  • І. І. Balychev Department of heating, ventilation and air quality, State Higher Educational Institution "Dnieper State Academy of Construction and Architecture", Ukraine
  • Е. V. Patonya Department of heating, ventilation and air quality, State Higher Educational Institution "Dnieper State Academy of Construction and Architecture", Ukraine


Climate, support system, microclimate parameters, man, health


Goal. Health and human performance largely determined by the conditions of the microclimate and air environment of residential and public buildings. In hygienic purposes it is necessary to strive to create the best indoor microclimate conditions. The development of the heating system at home - it's quite difficult but important task, which will depend entirely comfortable and cozy environment for the person. The problem of the present time, there is a steady increase in energy heating system, in connection with rising non-renewable energy sources, and our job is to ensure the normal temperature environment inside the building with the highest energy efficiency. Thus, improving the comfort in the room through the support of optimal microclimate parameters at any point in the room, aimed at improving the conditions of human life, increase productivity, reduce the cost of thermal energy to provide the parameters of the microclimate, it is an actual scientific and practical tasks of the present time.

Methods. Analysis of theoretical and experimental work with the scientific generalization; math modeling; Experimental study of the effect of microclimate on the health of the person; processing of the results of experimental studies of methods of mathematical statistics on the computer.

Results. An analysis of the theoretical and experimental data with the scientific generalization, as well as mathematical modeling studies of microclimate is planned to identify ways to determine the operating conditions of the hybrid heating system to ensure maximum working efficiency without sacrificing microclimate conditions necessary for human habitation.

The practical significance. The proposed method allows to see and evaluate the possible ways to improve the energy efficiency of the hybrid heating system.

Author Biographies

A. O. Petrenko, Department of heating, ventilation and air quality, State Higher Educational Institution "Dnieper State Academy of Construction and Architecture"

Cand. Sc. (Tech.), Ph D

V. O. Petrenko, Department of heating, ventilation and air quality, State Higher Educational Institution "Dnieper State Academy of Construction and Architecture"

Cand. Sc. (Tech.), Ph D

I. V. Golyakova, Department of heating, ventilation and air quality, State Higher Educational Institution "Dnieper State Academy of Construction and Architecture

Cand. Sc. (Tech.), Ph D

І. І. Balychev, Department of heating, ventilation and air quality, State Higher Educational Institution "Dnieper State Academy of Construction and Architecture"



Е. V. Patonya, Department of heating, ventilation and air quality, State Higher Educational Institution "Dnieper State Academy of Construction and Architecture"



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Energy, ecology, computer technology in construction