A method of environmental express audit



Environmental audit, express audit method, questionnaire, environmental aspects, environment.


Purpose. The aim of this work is to develop a comprehensive methodology of environmental express audit with a proper account for the specifics of checked objects. Using this technique makes it possible to determine in short time how the economic and production activities of the facility being checked meet environmental legislation.

Methodology. The technique consists in the creation and use of special questionnaires containing test questions on all major environmental aspects of the audit facilities that have impacts on the environment. The developed methodology of express audit that specifies the standard methodology in the framework of the law of Ukraine "On environmental audit" is designed to assess the degree of environmental safety of various sites of industry, transport, agriculture, and cities. The questionnaires are based on the cluster principle, which allows adapting the universal questionnaire to the characteristics of different objects, adding a group of questions related to specific characteristics of objects under audit. The methodology determines the manner and form of the auditor interaction with representatives of the enterprise during audit.

Findings. The stages of environmental audit are justified, and the structures of relevant questionnaires are developed for collection and analysis of information, identification of discrepancies of the activities at the objects under audit with environmental legislation, and reporting. The advantages inherent to this methodology compared with the standard approach are analysed based on practical experience.

Originality. The structure and the content of questionnaires for environmental express audit, in particular, the all-purpose questionnaire, have been developed. The developed question lists with additional special questionnaires and adaptation of a number of questions can be applied to the analysis of environmental activities on a variety of hazardous sites.

Practical value. Practical application of this methodology with the participation of the author in more than twenty sites in Ukraine passed through the procedure of environmental audit recently demonstrated the advantages of express audit in comparison with the standard approach in such aspects as the representativeness of information collected, the unambiguous criteria for the interpretation of the responses, the timing of the audit, and interaction with the staff at the enterprise.

Author Biography

І. О. Nikolaeva, Limited Liability Company “EcoPlatform”, “EcoPlatform” LLC

environmental auditor


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Energy, ecology, computer technology in construction