Mathematical simulation in thermal insulation materials development
Mathematical modeling, insulation, porous, industrial wastes.Abstract
Purpose. Determining the regularities of influence of the heat-insulating materials components on the secondary products industry basis on the their main properties on the condition of more expensive materials maximum substitution. The granulated slag named after Petrovskiy and fly-ash of Pridneprovsk Thermal Power Station were taken as industrial waste.
Methodology. To the optimum ratio of components and to the experiments reduction determination the mathematical modeling were applied. Simplex - lattice design of the experiment is intended to determine the extremum in multicomponent systems according to the diagram "structure - property". In this paper 3-dimensional simplex was used. The clay and slag (X1), aluminous cement (x2), water glass (x3) were taken as varied factors.
Findings. Due to the fact that the heat-insulating material composition includes such an expensive component like alumina cement, studies were carried out with the aim of this component reducing by replacing it on the fly ash. Due to the fact that the maximum strength is observed at 20 and 80% of ash content the material density accordingly this content is 400 and 450 kg/m3, that is it does not vary significantly, so in order to obtain the heat-insulating material with minimum cost and optimum physical and mechanical properties should be applied the composition with the fly ash content of 80% by weight aluminous cement.
Originality. The results confirm the expediency of the secondary industry products utilization in the composite insulating materials production. This will not only increase the effectiveness of industrial waste recycling and improve the physical, mechanical and technological properties of the materials, and as a result reduce their cost, due to the replacement of more expensive raw materials.
Practical value. As a result of research to develop a heat-insulating material with minimum cost and optimum physical and mechanical properties should be applied 80%the content of fly ash by weight of aluminous cement. The developed material will have the following properties: compressive strength about 0.1 MPa; density 400 kg/m3.
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