Method development of ecological risk determination for a human from areal sorce of emmissions



Group of point source, areal source, pollutants emissions, theorical value, experience value, ecological risk for a human, methodology


Purpose. The selection and development of methods to validate the experiment using data from the theoretical measurements of environmental risk assessment for the group point and area sources.

Methodology. Method of research includes selecting an object (physical or in-kind) for the experience, the procedure for measuring instruments; used statistical treatment of results, which include an assessment of the probability of the phenomenon, which is considered the frequency of its occurrence; theory of confidence intervals to confirm the results of the theoretical evaluation of environmental risk concentrations of pollutants exceeding their MPCs.

Findings. The expediency of experience in the existing plant, which has a group of point and area sources of emissions. Since the conditions of the experiment are different from the worst, for which the predicted (theoretical) risk assessment, the result of the measured concentrations of pollutants introduced the necessary amendments. Amendments are calculated using a deterministic model Berlyand spread in the atmosphere pollutant concentrations (pollutants) and take into account the effect of the differences experienced wind speed and direction; and the air temperature. Total experienced environmental risk is defined as the frequency of exceeding the concentration of pollutants at least one of its MPC. The convergence of the theoretical and experimental evaluation determined using the theory of confidence intervals - if the theoretical estimate is between the lower and upper bounds of the confidence interval obtained with a high confidence level, it is believed that the theory does not contradict experience. In the other - on the contrary. The algorithm of the method of payment transactions to confirm the theory of experience at the given input data. Baseline data provide information on the theoretical ecological risk assessment; undertorch measurement data; the data necessary for determining the corrections to the measured concentration of pollutants, as well as data for the experimental determination of the considered risks and their confidence intervals.

Originality. To confirm the theoretical results previously obtained for the environmental risk assessment for the group point and area sources, which occur in concentrations of pollutants exceeding the random MPC for the first time its selected and the method of carrying out the relevant experience of the statistical processing of the results undertorch measurements.

Practical value. The technique allows to confirm or refute the theoretical results and after confirming recommend them for use in projects of construction (reconstruction) of enterprises in order to achieve a highly reliable air quality criterion for the MPC, which is not carried out.

Author Biographies

V. Zinchenko, Sumy Regional State Administration

Sumy Regional State Administration

S. Polishcuk, Department of Heating, Ventilation and Air Protection, Prydniprovs’ka State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture

Dr. Sc. (Tech.), Prof.

V. Falko, Sumy State University

Cand. Sc. (Tech.)

Y. Ostriahina, Department of Heating, Ventilation and Air Protection, Prydniprovs’ka State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture

Department of Heating, Ventilation and Air Protection


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Energy, ecology, computer technology in construction