Improving water heating systems facilities semi-open
Heater, heating system, a convective flow.Abstract
Purpose. Improved heating and ventilation systems in terms of their periodic work on the basis of the formation of a balance between rising thermal convective flow from the system of radiant panel and convective heating and flow downward outdoor air in the open doorway under exclusion of moisture condensation on Walling open apertures, which reduces energy consumption by reducing heat loss and improving operating conditions walling.
Methodology. To achieve this goal used mathematical methods of numerical simulation for spatial representation of the current lines, fields of temperature, velocity and pressure.
Findings. It was found that at low heat flux density of the heating surface velocity pressure occurring at the same convective flow is significantly less than the pressure generated by the density difference between the outdoor and indoor air, also revealed significant jumps in temperature, speed and pressure on the border areas and open doorway in the central zone and in the walling that explains to the disordered flow splitting system interacting convection jet, with some of them continues to move outside the room, and a part of the outer air flow is suppressed. It was found that an increase in the density of heat flow from the heating surface is a stabilization of the convective flow and merge it into one, with the zone of its action slightly larger than the open doorway that leads to the conclusion that the exclusion of a breakthrough outside air into the room and condensation of moisture on the surface of the enclosing structures, thus further increasing the temperature of the heating surface only leads to an increase in coverage of the convective flow exiting the premises.
Originality. The paper presents theoretical laws of the transfer of heat in the room with open horizontal openings when changing the power of the heat flow from heating devices, characterized in that when using the system floor heating is not uniform heating air floor space - this is due to different temperature walling, infiltration and influence ventilation, while there are several circulating air flows, which create a zone of heat and cooling the room.
Practical value. It was revealed that in order to achieve thermal jet and outdoor opening breakthrough outside air exclusion is necessary to maintain the ratio between the difference of the density of heat flow from the heat source and at an open aperture and the difference in the density of the outside air and at an open aperture of at least 1.
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