Integral estimates of sustainable development man-made the region


  • M. A. Yemets Department of environmental regulation, Institute for Nature Management Problems and Ecology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine
  • I. I. Romanenko Department of environmental regulation, Institute for Nature Management Problems and Ecology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine
  • I. Y. Lesnikova The Department of Transport Systems and Technology, University of customs and finance, Ukraine
  • I. V. Trifonov Construction technology chair, State Higher Educational Institution "Dnieper State Academy of Architecture and budivnytstva", Ukraine


Sustainable development, environmental regulations, demographic stability, annual population growth, average life expectancy


Purpose. Establish criteria to evaluate the sustainability and environmental standards, focused on solving key development objectives - achieving a level of environmental health and safety, which provides demographic stability in the region.

Methodology. The proposed integrated assessment of sustainable development of the region is based on a comprehensive analysis of statistical data technologically loaded regions of Ukraine using correlation and regression methods of mathematical statistics. As the basis of criterion - a benchmark for the achievement of sustainable development adopted three measures , respectively, the annual population growth rate, life expectancy and specific real gross domestic product is produced.

Findings. The investigations on the example of technologically loaded region of Ukraine - Dnipropetrovs'k region - suggest that the development of assessments and standards for sustainable development can only be based on the selection of a particular priority on the results of a benchmark analysis of all prospective problems that must be solved within the framework of sustainable development issues. So priority now and in the near future there is the demographic situation. In this leadership role played by such factors as population growth and life expectancy. Priority selection and the use of rigorous methods of correlation and regression analysis on the factual material Dnipropetrovs'k region allows calculation of limit values of key standards of sustainable development and the corresponding weighting factors of influence. The results provide a basis for the calculation of the integral index of sustainable development.

Originality. Installed and verifiable methods of mathematical statistics, depending enable us to determine the criteria for the sustainable development of life expectancy and the actual specific product produced. At the same time sustainable development of the region is understood primarily as providing stabilization of the demographic situation. These criteria estimation (average life expectancy - 69 years, the share of the real product produced - $ 16/person·day) is the threshold value and reflect the minimum requirements for regional sustainable development.

Practical value. The proposed approach for the assessment of the key environmental regulations allows the levels of resistance for all components of the index of human development adopted at the United Nations, and can be used in the development and practical implementation of regional strategies for sustainable development of territories.

Author Biographies

M. A. Yemets, Department of environmental regulation, Institute for Nature Management Problems and Ecology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Ph.D. in technical science, senior researcher

I. I. Romanenko, Department of environmental regulation, Institute for Nature Management Problems and Ecology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine



I. Y. Lesnikova, The Department of Transport Systems and Technology, University of customs and finance


I. V. Trifonov, Construction technology chair, State Higher Educational Institution "Dnieper State Academy of Architecture and budivnytstva"

Dr. Sc. (Tech.), Prof.


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Energy, ecology, computer technology in construction