Analysis of accidents and their principal reasons
Аnalysis of indexes of production traumatism, professional morbidity, agriculture, reasons of accidents, types of events.Abstract
Cel'- of rassmotret' uroven' proizvodstvennogo travmatizma I professional'noy zabolevaemosti sredi rabotayuschikh in Ukraine, in the volume of chisle in sel'skom khozyaystve, to point osnovnye prichiny neudovletvoritel'nogo sostoyaniya I neobkhodimye meropriyatiya otnositel'no ego uluchsheniya.
Method: On the stages of forming and adjusting of work recently created sel'khozpredpriyatiya of different patterns of ownership took a labour protection remaining positions. In swingeing majority such economies do not have public servants on a labour protection and control absents after the state of this work from the side of leading organs. Actually, farms and those, schto does not use wage labour, it is shown out outside the functional management of district managements of agriculture .
Results: Analysing the indexes of production traumatism, it is not needed to eliminate circumstance that the decline of production traumatism is caused yet and the slump of production volumes, related to the economic crisis. However, even if to remove this objective reason, it is possible to hope that a situation with consisting of production traumatism of area during 2014 became better. Calculating on 1000 workings there is an amount of persons which suffered as a result of accidents in 2014, diminished against a previous year on 18,2% and almost twice against 2005 (on 44,5%). The number of mortal cases, calculating on 1000 workings, also diminished on 43%.
Scientific novelty: we consider it necessary to pay regard to that as a result of investigations of accidents during many years, by main reasons of traumatism in agriculture - organizational. To them violations of requirements of instructions belong on a labour, failure to observe of rules of implementation of works and rules of the travelling road, violation of technology protection, failings during studies to the safe receptions of labour, absence of the proper control from the side of public servants and others like that. The removal of these reasons does not require too large facilities and time which is measured by years. It depends, mainly, from the steady observance of legislation employers on a labour protection. The state must provide permanent control, render a skilled help businessmen and conduct raz'yasnitel'nuyu work.
Practical meaningfulness: priority work assignments are certain.
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