Features of heavy metals behaviour in water solutions and removal of compounds of iron from sewage
Heavy metal reagent method, wastewater, lime, iron compounds.Abstract
The purpose is to determine the effect of pH on the solubility of heavy metals: iron, aluminum, nickel and chromium, the rationale for increasing the content of iron compounds after pretreatment in water treatment systems, as well as the influence of temperature and concentration of the acid in the wastewater metallurgical industries on the degree and rate of deposition of iron.
Methodology. Performing research involved the use of analytical methods for the determination of metals with the use of model solutions in the laboratory, as well as to determine the conditions of deposition of iron compounds from industrial wastewater metallurgical industries, depending on the acid concentration and solution temperature.
Findings. The process of deposition of heavy metals from waste water is most expedient to carry out using lime. The values of optimum pH at which there is a minimum concentration of individual metals is significantly different. When exceeding the optimum pH values the residual metal concentration increases.
Originality. The optimal conditions for the deposition of heavy metals identified. Analytic depending are received and is given the interpretation of the causes of increasing iron content in industrial units. The characteristics of the precipitation of iron compounds from solution, depending on the acid concentration and temperature of the solution are defined. Analytical dependences characterizing the influence of these factors on the process of deposition are given.
Practical value. Heavy metals are a source of contamination of drinking water and process water industry. Optimization of conditions for the removal of metals from aqueous solutions is important for the preservation of human health and improve the reliability of the company.
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