Study cool internal surfaces of a room during a power failure heating system
Microclimate, microclimate parameters, comfort, teplooschuschenie, air temperature, surface temperature, relative humidity, air velocity, air composition.Abstract
Purpose. To analyze the influence of microclimate on life safety to meet the requirements of SDS "Sanitary norms of microclimate of production rooms". The human body is in constant interaction with the environment. Change thermal conditions it leads to the automatic adaptation of the temperature and humidity condition of the skin due to the action of the thermoregulatory system of the body, but every body is different. Heat sensation in the more or less different from the average standard indicators indoor climate. Therefore, it was necessary to study the influence of microclimate on the safety of human life.
Methodology. Theoretical and experimental studies were carried out on the basis of fundamental knowledge in the field of thermal processes and techniques for solving problems of heat transfer, modeling of dynamic processes, methods and analysis of random processes, methods of mathematical statistics and forecasting.
Findings. Providing comfortable or acceptable parameters indoor climate depends on a number of factors (the gravity of works, period of the year) and, accordingly, their values are regulated by SDS "Sanitary norms of microclimate of production rooms". Comprehensive assessment of the microclimate in the applicable parameters can be made equivalent to the largest-effective temperature Fig. 6 (a combination of the three parameters of the microclimate). Their combination could create comfortable or uncomfortable microclimatic conditions, which determine health, health and human performance in the workplace and at home.
Originality. The interrelation dynamics inside air temperature of the room to the temperature gradient with respect to the temperature of the inner surface of walling that allows you to manage the support of microclimate parameters to achieve the critical temperature of the internal air space, taking into account work performed in severity and critical values for operating temperatures utilities.
Practical value. The research allowed to develop an automated system for the control and supply of heat to control the temperature of indoor air cooling period and timely inclusion of reserve-intermittent heating when the minimum temperature.
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