To a quastion use fire protection of wood
Fire protection of wood, fireproof paints, intumescent the flame resistant finish combined fire-retardant coating, innovative components of flame resistant finish.Abstract
Purpose.The raised combustibility of wood material, being an essential lack, limits its structural use in building. Continuous workings out of new fireproof means both foreign, and domestic scientists specifies in presence of lacks at existing means and variety of unresolved questions in area flameproofing designs from wood material. The work purpose is revealing of lacks of existing fireproof means for wood material.
Methodology. The state-of-the-art review of the basic groups of the fireproof means raising a limit of fire resistance of wooden building designs is spent, the estimation of their technical characteristics is given.
Findings. The revealed lacks of fireproof means such as: deficiency, dearness, toxicity of many components, limitation of a range of application of means and others that promoted working out of new fireproof means. By authors it is developed fireproof sprout the means providing I group of fireproof efficiency for wood material. Into structure of the specified means enters sprout graphite which possesses heat-insulating and refractory properties, the greatest weight strength at high temperatures, not blow and burns down more difficultly, than diamond.
Originality. It is received new fireproof sprout the means interfering inflow of a surplus heat to the protected surface at the expense of repeated increase in volume.
Practical value. Developed fireproof sprout means gives the chance to use more widely wood material in building and to raise safety of an upkeep of buildings and constructions at the expense of increase in a limit of fire resistance of wood structures.
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