Model of the emergence and development of a security breach of the rescue


  • D. А. Burmese Gomel Engineering Institute of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, Rechitsky Prospect, 35a, 246023, Gomel, Belarus, Belarus
  • N. К. Мodin Gomel Engineering Institute of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, Rechitsky Prospect, 35a, 246023, Gomel, Belarus, Belarus


Model, Rescue operations, accident, Injuries, dangerous situation, A dangerous factor, Control action.


A model of the emergence and development of a security breach of the rescue (ASR) to calculate the actual level of security of the RSA, based on the definition of probability
adverse events and control actions at all levels "of the tree (the script) adverse events."

Author Biography

N. К. Мodin, Gomel Engineering Institute of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, Rechitsky Prospect, 35a, 246023, Gomel, Belarus

Ph.D., prof.


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Life Safety