Comulative and integrated action of harmful factors at work underground krivbass


  • N. І. Shwydkyi Director of the Research Institute of safety and ecology in mining and metallurgical industries SIHE“KNU”. Pervomayskaya str. 12, Krivoy Rog, Ukraine, Ukraine
  • Е. V. Gnennaya State higher educational institution "Kryvyi Rih national University" vul. St. twentieth party Congress, 11, 50027, Krivoy Rog, Ukraine, Ukraine


probability of occupational diseases, the intensity of harmful factors, the combined effect of harmful factors, basic harmful factor, fibrogenic action of dust, risk of occupational disease.


Рurpose. Рresents data on the intensity of the action of harmful physical factors and the nature of work for a number of trade workers of Kryvbass mines. The issues of equivalence action of harmful factors when comparing the intensity of the action of different indicators, which are presented in absolute terms (times) and in relative terms (dB dBA; dBV) are considered. Methodology. Risk assessment from harmful factors is based on an analysis of data on the magnitude of excess quantities of the maximum permissible values for the main professions in the underground mineral production. Findings.It was held the study of data on the occurrence of diseases from exposure to dust and noise considering the intensity of their performance and length of service. The reduced excess for these hazards is in the range R (I) of 0.2 to 0.8. Originality. To estimate the intensity of various factors, the values of which are presented in absolute values (the times) and in relative terms (dB) translation (dB) (times) based on their compliance according to safety classification of working conditions and the introduction of weighting factors based on the ratio of the number of diseases from the actions of fibrogenic dust as the main harmful factors and other harmful factors. Practical value. This technique makes it possible to establish a safe work (years) for the main professions of workers in underground mining, and develop the proposals for continued professional and general life expectancy for workers in the most harmful factors conditions. This will increase the level of professional health of workers and, consequently, reduce occupational diseases in mines.

Author Biographies

N. І. Shwydkyi, Director of the Research Institute of safety and ecology in mining and metallurgical industries SIHE“KNU”. Pervomayskaya str. 12, Krivoy Rog, Ukraine

Dr. Sc. (Tech),  Prof., Director of the Research Institute of safety and ecology in mining and metallurgical industries SIHE“KNU”

Е. V. Gnennaya, State higher educational institution "Kryvyi Rih national University" vul. St. twentieth party Congress, 11, 50027, Krivoy Rog, Ukraine

postgraduate student, The Department of the mine aerology and labour protection


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Life Safety