Stress-strain state of reinforced concrete beams,strengthened with a lever-rodsystem


  • О. М. Chekanovich Херсонський державний аграрний університет, Ukraine
  • М. G. Chekanovich Херсонський державний аграрний університет, Ukraine
  • W. P. Zhurahivsky Херсонський державний аграрний університет, Ukraine


Diagram, calculation method, Breaking load,


The authors present a scheme of a simple reinforced concrete beam, strengthened with a lever-rod system. This scheme describes the actual construction work under load. The article reveals an improved method for determining the stress-strain state, which takes into account the scheme of the deformed beam element, complete «σ-ε» diagram and specified diagram of steel work. The method is based on an integrated determination of the stress-strain state of each cross section along the construction at all load stages till destruction, that allows to simulate the real work of strengthened bending element with high accuracy and reliability. Here the effect of the lever-rod strengthening system is considered in the equations of balance forces by additional reactions. Their values depend on the displacements in the places of interaction between the bending element and the strengthening system.


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