Assessment of the influence of new construction on the foundations of existing buildings at any composition and form of the relief


  • P. Z. Myndyashvyly Национальное бюро судебной экспертизы им. Л. Самхараули Центр строительной механики, сейсмостойкости и инженерной экспертизы, Georgia


New construction, calculation model, the real situation,


For the assessment of the influence of new construction on the existing buildings the calculation model of integral system “surrounding soil + new buildings +existing buildings ”is proposed. The use of proposed calculation model of the integral system “surrounding soil + new buildings +existing buildings” can give possibility to approach maximally close to the real situation: consider the relief, composition, inclination and physicalmechanical characteristics of soil; composition, geometry and location of foundations existing and new ones; values of loadings, transferred to the basis, considering the seismic intensity; examine and assess the deformation mode and stability in integral system; select the optimum version of foundation and strengthening for the buildings, existing and under construction, using the numerical experiments. Using this approach, the accuracy, reliability and certainty of results obtained for the assessment of the influence of new construction on existing buildings will significantly improve, in comparison with existing standards and empirical dependences.


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