Application of thin-walled spatial structures when projecting up-to-date religious buildings and complexes


  • О. I. Zhovkva Департамент містобудування та архітектури КМДА, Ukraine


Thin-walled structures, places of worship, types of codes


The article considers the issue of possible prospects for application of the thinwalledтspatial structures when building the religious buildings and complexes based on the historical experience of construction. The examples of possible types of arches and domes of religious buildings are given; methods of construction of some of them are described. The article also provides examples of already implemented projects of religious buildings with an application of thin-walled spatial structures and the authors’ project proposals for construction and reconstruction of religious buildings with application of such promising structures are presented.


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Благовещенский Ф.А., Бунина Е.Ф. Архитектурные конструкции. - М.: Архитектура – С, 2007.-232 с.

Православне храмы: В 3т. Пособие по проектированию и строительству (к СП 31-103-99).-М., 2003.-Т.2: Православные храмы и комплексы.-222с.

Робочі креслення ПБК «Укрмонолітспецбуд».



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