Consideration of reinforced concrete structures nonlinear work in practical analysis


  • А. S. Gorodetsky Киевский национальный университет строительства и архитектуры,
  • M. S. Barabash Национальный авиационный университет,


life cycle, computer modeling, structural elements, nonlinear analysis, stability, physical and geometrical nonlinearity


In given article is considered iterative method “engineering nonlinearity”. Given method allows defining real characteristics of section stiffness that could be decreased owing to cracks occurrence, plastic deformations of concrete and reinforcement. Methodology is concluded in iterative performance of static analysis on“characteristic combination” that in the engineer`s opinion is responsible for decreasing characteristics of reinforced concrete elements stiffness. Characteristics of elements stiffness, calculated on m-iteration, variable along structure region and corresponded to “characteristic load case” are basic for further traditional analysis. Analysis of obtained results allows making following conclusions. Proposed method “engineering nonlinearity” allows on the one hand to take into account more exactly stiffness distribution, on the other hand is similar to traditional analysis methods into linear formulation, i.e. allows to perform analysis on all loadcases, obtain DCF and DCL, perform reinforcement selection.


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