To the problem of prognostication and assessment of chemical situation and stability of chamically dangerous objects (CDO) in emergencies


  • Y. V. Stepnevskaya State Higher Education Establishment "Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology,"8 Gagarin Avenue, Dnepropetrovsk 49005, Ukraine, Ukraine
  • М. М. Plis State Higher Education Establishment "Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology,"8 Gagarin Avenue, Dnepropetrovsk 49005, Ukraine, Ukraine
  • М. М. Plis State Higher Education Establishment "Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology,"8 Gagarin Avenue, Dnepropetrovsk 49005, Ukraine, Ukraine
  • М. V. Rogalev State Higher Education Establishment "Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology,"8 Gagarin Avenue, Dnepropetrovsk 49005, Ukraine, Ukraine


monitoring, prognostication, stability, risk, chemical safety, chemical situation.


The question of monitoring and prognostication of emergencies, importance of estimation of stability of chemically dangerous objects in emergencies in the context of chemical safety problem solving are considered. Attention is accented on the necessity of realization of positions of  "Conception of management the risks of origin of emergencies of technogenic and natural character".

Author Biographies

Y. V. Stepnevskaya, State Higher Education Establishment "Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology,"8 Gagarin Avenue, Dnepropetrovsk 49005, Ukraine

Cand. Sc. (Chem.), Department of Biotechnology and Life Safety

М. М. Plis, State Higher Education Establishment "Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology,"8 Gagarin Avenue, Dnepropetrovsk 49005, Ukraine

Senior Lecturer, Department of Biotechnology and Life Safety

М. М. Plis, State Higher Education Establishment "Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology,"8 Gagarin Avenue, Dnepropetrovsk 49005, Ukraine

Assistant, Department of Biotechnology and Life Safety

М. V. Rogalev, State Higher Education Establishment "Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology,"8 Gagarin Avenue, Dnepropetrovsk 49005, Ukraine

Assistant, Department of Biotechnology and Life Safety


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Life Safety