Evaluation of structural quality titanium alloys for their ability to resist the fragility under stress concentration
fragile strength, stress concentrators, mechanical stability, embrittlement, structural qualityAbstract
Purpose. Traditionally used in materials science approach to the assessment of embrittling action of stress concentrators as a variation of the cold resistance should be supplemented by a parameter that reflects the residual reserve this property is applied to titanium alloys. To assess such a reserve, as an indicator of structural quality titanium alloy, it is necessary quantitative parameter reflecting the fragility of the residual resistance of the metal under conditions of stress concentrators. Methodology. Within the concept of the mechanical stability of a novel parameter for evaluating the quality of structural titanium alloys - measure of the structural quality /u(^ s of the residual mechanical stability Pms, reflecting their residual reserve fragility resistance under stress concentration. Findings. Based on the results of our experiments analyzed structural changes in the quality of a number of alloys under the influence of two types of stress concentrators in uniaxial tension. Set effects, both hubs of different stresses on the structural measures of quality titanium alloys with different levels of initial strength and mechanical stability. Originality. It has been established that the value of structural quality measures is a complex function of such factors as the species transition, initial cto,2 and final cto,2c strength, initial CT2 and final CT2c strength at the critical degree of deformation of Єс « 2 % and has various manifestations in terms of resistance to embrittlement under the influence of stress concentrators. Practical value. The degree of structural measures of quality (if any stress concentrators) from the initial steps of the mechanical quality (no stress concentrators) is a clear and quantitative indicators of structural changes in the quality of titanium alloys, allowing to perform their ranking on the residual resistance of fragility in terms of stress concentration.
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