Assessment of meteorological factors on the air pollution in the Dnepropetrovsk city (illustrated formaldehyde)
the air, meteorological factors, Code of pollution, formaldehyde.Abstract
Purpose. Analysis of the actual state of the air in the Dnepropetrovsk city shows that emissions of harmful substances, and as a consequence the level of contamination of the surface layer is sufficiently high. The objective of this study is to determine the role of meteorological factors on the level of air pollution in Dnepropetrovsk example more significant pollutants. Methodology. For analysis, monitoring and forecasting of air pollution using data City Laboratory monitoring of atmospheric pollution on 6 fixed stations located in different parts of the city for the period 2008-2013. Classical technique was used correlation analysis, which is to assess the degree of dependence between parameters, and to determine the relationship between them. Findings. Set the influence of meteorological factors (temperature, wind speed and direction, humidity) in the air pollution. In the city of Dnepropetrovsk relationship between the concentrations of pollutants and wind speed has not been established, but it turned out that the prevailing wind direction cause elevated levels of pollution of surface layers of the atmosphere. It is also found that high humidity helps cleanse outside air temperature increases and conversely becomes a cause of increasing contamination. Originality. Meteorological factors may have a different impact on the level of air pollution, and is primarily determined by the specific features of impurities, as well as the territorial conditions. Practical value. Features of the pollutant spreading to consider when planning the design and construction works in the city, implementing environmental measures in enterprises, as well as in the analysis of the overall health of urbanized areas.
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