Strength as the basis of structural reliability of steel and alloys


  • Yu. Ya. Meshkov G.V. Kurdyumov Institute for Metal Physics of NAS of the Ukraine, 36, Vernadsky av., 02142, Kyiv, Ukraine, Ukraine


steel, strength, reserve strength, notch, crack, reliability


Task o f the work. This research is aimed at development of a methodology for the efficient use of the set of mechanical properties as a mean to increase the structural reliability of metals and alloys in products and structures. Technique. The development of the novel conception of force reliability of structural alloys, which is based on the concept of both strength margins and strength endurance as special mechanical properties responsible for resistance to embrittlement of alloys in products, is offered. Results. Analysis of the parameters of embrittlement of steels 40 and 30KhGSA on specimens with circular notches depending on strength of these steels was executed. A significant difference in regularities of embrittlement and loss of mechanical endurance of steels, which is related to difference in the nature of protective function of both strength and endurance margins under the effect ofstress raisers on steels of different strength, was established. Scientific novelty. Methodology for assessment of susceptibility toembrittlement of alloys based on the analysis of strength margin is novel. Practical importance. Adequate accounting for bothstrength and endurance margin of steels will reduce the danger of brittle fracture of products due to cracks and stress raisers.

Author Biography

Yu. Ya. Meshkov, G.V. Kurdyumov Institute for Metal Physics of NAS of the Ukraine, 36, Vernadsky av., 02142, Kyiv, Ukraine

Dr. of Tech. Sci., Corresponding Member of NAS of the Ukraine.


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Proceedings in memory of Starodubov