The optimization of chemical composition of heatproof basis of bimetallic purveyance



mild steel, mathematical planning, mechanical properties, alloying elements, optimization


Purpose. Progressive material for the reactor can be a bimetal, consisting of a mild steel with an inner side of the tread and the reactor refractory basis - the outer. It is necessary to establish the influence of the degree of alloying patterns on the mechanical properties of experimental steel in the upper and lower limit of the content of alloying elements in the steel. Methodology. Analysis of the impact of carbon, chromium and nickel on mechanical properties of steel was studied using statistical method of planning of active experiment. As a response function took tensile strength ав and yield strength 00,2. Mathematical processing of the experimental data in order to construct a mathematical model of the influence of chemical composition on the properties of the steel was carried out by methods using regression analysis. To reduce the number of experiments and assuming the nonlinear nature of the response functions used in symmetric composite design of the second order. Findings. Reactor operating temperature of titanium sponge production with magnesium are 850...1020 ° C, and it is important to determine the effect of selected alloying complex on short-term strength at the maximum operating temperature with the aid of mathematical planning of the experiment. Intervals varying factors selected on the basis of preliminary information: experimental and literature data on the effect of alloying elements on the properties of chromium-nickel steel, mechanical properties in the initial state. As a result of mathematical planning of regression equations were obtained in full size to optimize the chemical composition of low-carbon steel. To assess the adequacy of the equations was calculated by regression equations obtained for the ground level of the chemical composition of the steel. The calculation results were compared with experimental studies. The error between the calculated and experimental values of the response function does not exceed 2%. To determine the chemical composition ensures optimum mechanical properties Rm and а0,2 steel type 10Х15Н15 built three-dimensional plots. Constructed on the basis of plots revealed that the contents of carbon and chromium in the steel to be developed at the upper limit of nickel and - at the bottom. Originality. New scientific evidence on the effect of doping level on the mechanical properties of low carbon steel. The levels of the content of alloying elements (Cr, Ni) in experimental mild steel to increase strength properties. Practical value. Recommended optimum chemical composition of the steel wt. %: сarbon - 0.14%, chromium - 17.0%, nickel - 13.0%.

Author Biographies

G. A. Zolotarev, Department of metal forming, Zaporizhia National Technical University, st. Zhukovskoho, 64, 69063, Zaporozhe, Ukraine.

Graduate student

S. P. Sheyko, Department of metal forming, Zaporizhia National Technical University, st. Zhukovskoho, 64, 69063, Zaporozhe, Ukraine.

Cand. Sc. (Tech.), doctoral student

V. G. Mishchenko, Department of applied physics, Zaporizhia National University, st. Zhukovskoho, 66, 69600, Zaporozhe, Ukraine.

Dr. Sc. (Tech.), Prof.


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Proceedings in memory of Starodubov