Foundation of the expediency for the secondary use of resources during the demolition of emergency civil buildings


  • І. S. Dmitrenko Department of Construction technology, State Higher Education Establishment “Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture”, 24-A, Chernishevskogo str., Dnipropetrovsk 49600, Ukraine., Ukraine
  • A. A. Martysh Department of Planning and Organization of Production, State Higher Education Establishment “Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture”, 24-A, Chernishevskogo str., Dnipropetrovsk 49600, Ukraine., Ukraine
  • T. О. Tsenatsevish Department of Construction technology, State Higher Education Establishment “Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture”, 24-A, Chernishevskogo str., Dnipropetrovsk 49600, Ukraine., Ukraine
  • N. І. Ayat Department of Construction technology, State Higher Education Establishment “Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture”, 24-A, Chernishevskogo str., Dnipropetrovsk 49600, Ukraine., Ukraine


demolition of buildings, statistical analysis, brick, the labor expenses, cost


The article explores a possible way to reduce the burden on the environment, access to social and economic benefits during the demolition of dilapidated old buildings which have brick walls. The experience of making these works for the city of Dnepropetrovsk has been research, the shortcomings of the technology used have been analyzed. It is proposed to dismantle the brickwork in order to obtain a whole brick for the secondary use. The process of disassembling brick walls of dilapidated buildings was divided into technological processes - sorting fragments of masonry with the selection of organic inclusions and obtaining of unbeaten brick. Each of the technological processes was divided into manufacturing operations. The duration of their performance was determined by timing. Based on statistical observations of the processes and the proper mathematical calculation of the data the substantiated labor expenses and costs for production as well as 1000 bricks have been found. The cost of the obtained brick was determined according to the existing level of wages and the cost of operating hand electrical tools.

Author Biographies

І. S. Dmitrenko, Department of Construction technology, State Higher Education Establishment “Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture”, 24-A, Chernishevskogo str., Dnipropetrovsk 49600, Ukraine.

Cand.Sc. (Tech.), Ass. Prof

A. A. Martysh, Department of Planning and Organization of Production, State Higher Education Establishment “Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture”, 24-A, Chernishevskogo str., Dnipropetrovsk 49600, Ukraine.

Cand.Sc. (Tech.), Ass. Prof.


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Proceedings in memory of Starodubov