Perspective directions of development of technologies of thermal work-hardening of pipes of petroleum assortment
casing, hardening, negative hardening, devices for cooling, operative control by cooling intensityAbstract
Purpose. Pipes of petroleum assortment - one of the most highly sought wares of this type in connection with their role in the booty of oil and mastering of this booty in all more difficult environ mental conditions. Therefore the problem of providing of necessary properties of such pipes guaranteeing their operating reliability and longevity without an increase or even decline of cost of their work-hardening becomes more actual. The decision of this problem requires permanent perfection of technologies of work-hardening in certain directions. Accessible information does not contain approaches of the systems to the decision of the examined problem. In connection with the circumstances indicated higher the real analytical research is executed on determination of the most perspective directions of development of technologies of the thermal work-hardening of pipes and necessary technical solutions are offered, providing development on these directions. Methodology. Based on the analysis of the systems of corresponding arrayof information with the use of general conformities to law ofdevelopment of the technical systems and progressivetechnical decisions. Findings. Three basic perspective directions of development of technologies of the thermal work-hardening of pipes are certain and necessary for this purpose new or known, but until now not used in these technologies technical decisionson the methods of the thermal work-hardening, to the devices for heating and cooling and, that presently isespecially important, on the operative checking and management systems by the parameters of technological process. Originality. Consists both in the complex system decision of the put problem and in the corresponding novelty of row of the offered technical solutions for the operations of heating and tempering cooling, and also for the operations of operative control and management by cooling intensity. Practical value. Research results fully can be actual and highly sought by companies on the production of pipes of petroleum assortment.
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