CFD simulation of the water purification in the horisontal settler


  • M. M. Biliaiev Dnipropetrovsk national university of railway transport named after academi-cian V. Lazaryan. Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine., Ukraine
  • E. Yu. Gunko Dnipropetrovsk national university of railway transport named after academi-cian V. Lazaryan. Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine., Ukraine
  • V. A. Kozachyna Dnipropetrovsk national university of railway transport named after academi-cian V. Lazaryan. Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine., Ukraine


CFD simulation, water purification


The main objective of this paper is the development of the effective CFD
model which can be used for prediction efficiency of the horizontal settlers,
take into account the geometrical form of the settler and the peculiarities of
the sedimentation process
To simulate the process of the water purification in the horizontal settler the
transport equation of pollutions and the equation of potential flow are used.
To solve these equations Samarskii A.A. implicit difference scheme is used.
On the basis of the developed numerical model the code was created using
FORTRAN language.

Author Biographies

M. M. Biliaiev, Dnipropetrovsk national university of railway transport named after academi-cian V. Lazaryan. Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine.


E. Yu. Gunko, Dnipropetrovsk national university of railway transport named after academi-cian V. Lazaryan. Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine.

associate professer


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