Analysis of demolition of buildings and structcrs in terms of safety
demolition of buildings and structures, methods of demolition, analysis of methods of demolition, increasing safetyAbstract
Purpose. There are many methods of demolition of buildings and structures that are used depending on the conditions of reconstruction. Each of them, along with the merits has its disadvantages, mainly related to the inability to carry out work due to cramped of reconstruction site. It is necessary to find new or improved known methods of demolition of buildings and structures to enhance the process of demolition in view of safety of work. Methodology. Choice of rational method of demolition carried out by analyzing the existing methods in view of conditions of the site of reconstruction. Considerable attention of safety of demolition paid. Considerable attention to the choice of the method of demolition paid to safety. Findings. According to the analysis of the main methods of demolition of buildings and structures, it found that the most promising is the mechanized demolition using a hydraulic excavator with a variety of interchangeable attachments for demolition of the structure. Improvement of the mechanized method of demolition allows carrying out the demolition of buildings with higher efficiency, providing a high level of safety. Originality. An integrated approach to the choice of the method of demolition of buildings and structures in view of the conditions of reconstruction and safety of work points to the imperfection of existing methods of demolition. There is a need to improve the well-known and the creation of fundamentally new methods of demolition of buildings and structures. Practical value. The effectiveness of the implementation process of the demolition of buildings and structures and ensuring the safety of its conduct – the basic parameters that must considered when choosing the optimal method of demolition. Identification of the most appropriate method to carry out the demolition will allow the process of demolition with the highest performance and ensuring safe working conditions.
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