Solutions problems of acoustic comfort in the zone of exploited electric power equipment


  • Y. A. Serikov Kharkiv National University of Municipal Economy named O. M. Beketov, Kharkov, Revolution st., 12, 61002, Kharkov, Ukraine, Ukraine
  • A. S. Dolgopolova Joint-stock company Kharkivoblenergo" Service labor protection, occupational safety engineering service, Ukraine


noise, production, living environment, electric power, the effect of noise on human health, acoustic comfort.


Goal. Subject human activities during its evolution has led to a significant number of negative factors. They include increased noise, which is one of the most harmful to human health when it is in industrial or residential environment. This negative factor not only causes the disease, but has side effects on other disease, acting as a catalyst. Enhancing scientific and technological progress is the need to increase the capacity of energy resources for industrial enterprises, housing protection rights. Added to this is the process of sealing housing development, rise in price of land in urban areas. This leads to a violation of the requirements of regulatory and technical documents to comply with the distances between industrial facilities and residential buildings. Studies show that excess of maximum permissible noise levels in residential areas is 25 dB, and in the workplace in the electric energy – 32 dB. As a result, the inhabitants of cities of more than 30% of diseases related to the negative effect of increased noise. Thus, the protection of persons from excessive noise, which is generated by an electric power equipment, is an urgent task of our time. This applies both to industrial and residential zones. Methods. The problem of providing acoustic comfort in working conditions and living environment of humans is complex. It consists in carrying out certain phases of which is important to choose the direction of the development of effective measures and means. Today there are a significant number of areas that are different technical and economic characteristics. To select the effective direction needed for their analysis, systematization, a definition of finite characteristics as implemented in the submission. The scientific and practical significance. The principles of operation, the results of the analysis of trends and innovative technical solutions to reduce the noise level from the electric power equipment. This allows at the stage of the task to select the necessary direction and advanced technical solution that will ensure acoustic comfort in industrial and residential areas.

Author Biographies

Y. A. Serikov, Kharkiv National University of Municipal Economy named O. M. Beketov, Kharkov, Revolution st., 12, 61002, Kharkov, Ukraine

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Labour Protection and Life Safety

A. S. Dolgopolova, Joint-stock company Kharkivoblenergo" Service labor protection, occupational safety engineering service

PhD student


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Life Safety