Improving of the filering half masks protection characteristics



filtering half mask, filtering material, polymer, Standard.


Purpose. Applying of the long-time used filtering half mask type of “Lepestok” with the introduction of new harmonized European standards has been threatened because of his inability to withstand the procedure of preliminary preparation of samples. This respirator is long-time used on a manufactures because it universal and can be used by workers with any type and size of the face. The objective of this work is to study the effect of established standard procedures for the preliminary preparation of samples for the main characteristics of protective respirators and suggest ways to conform to the requirements of this filter respirator. Methodology. The testing of the basic protective features by using standard techniques according to the requirements of Standard DSTU EN 149:2003 (determination of coefficient filter penetration by test aerosol paraffin oil and initial resistance of constant airflow). Tests were conducted at air flow rate of 95 dm3/ min on device, which provides a tight fixing of the test sample. Methods of preliminary preparation according to the Standard DSTU EN 149: 2003. Findings. It was found that the current design of the type of respirator “Lepestok” according to GOST 12.45.028 does not comply with harmonized European Standards because they do not withstand the temperature preliminary preparation. The results indicate that the filter material obtained using a mortar technology, have weak mechanical strength and deform when heated above +50 °C. Therefore, have been studied, as an alternative, the characteristics of polypropylene filtering material. It was found that these materials meet the requirements of standards and can be used in the manufacture of personal protection devices. Originality. Established strength properties of polypropylene filtering materials and their impact on the effectiveness of protective respirators. Practical value. Established characteristics of materials may be used by respirators manufacturers in the design of new respirators models.

Author Biography

D. І. Radchuk, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Karl Marx av., 19, 49600, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine

Cand. Sc. (Tech.), Department of Aerology and laboure protection


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Life Safety