Influence of chemical components on the mechanical properties of steel 110G13L
Gatfild's steel, railway crosspieces and cores, correlation coefficients, chemical components, mechanical propertiesAbstract
Purpose. For detection of the regularities defining and forming quality of ready hardware of steel 110G13L it is necessary to execute the quantitative assessment of communication between components of a chemical composition and mechanical properties based on correlation methods of detection of dependences between signs. To execute calculation of coefficients of multiple correlation of components of a chemical composition and mechanical properties of high-manganese austenitic steel. To receive a correlation matrix of indicators of quality of steel 110G13L. To analyse and compare interrelation levels between them. Methodology. In work representations staly in multidimensional space of components of a chemical composition and mechanical properties in the form of points are used, is information the allocated all characteristics of a hardware, and also idea of correlation, as to the size of an event of existence of communication between the considered signs. The matrix of coefficients of multiple correlation of chemical components and mechanical properties of steel 110G13L is received and their graphic comparison at constant technological parameters of the existing production is executed. Findings. The comparative analysis of coefficients of correlation showed that a positive contribution to increase of mechanical properties render: the greatest - manganese and the smallest - phosphorus. Silicon has unambiguous negative impact on mechanical properties. Sulfur has insignificant positive impact only on a fluidity limit. Carbon increases strength and fluidity, but negatively influences relative narrowing and impact strength. It is established that growth of strength and relative lengthening is influenced positively by increase as a part of steel of manganese, carbon, phosphorus in limits, admissible normative documents. Decrease in these mechanical characteristics can be caused by increase in amount of silicon and sulfur in plavochny structure. Originality. It is established that influences decrease in a limit of fluidity of steel of Gatfild only increase in the content of silicon in plavochny composition of steel. Other chemical components increase values of this indicator. It is established that impact strength increases only with a growth of amount of manganese or phosphorus in steel. The increase in the content of carbon, silicon and sulfur is reduced by these indicators of quality. Practical value. The correlation analysis of influence of chemical elements on mechanical properties showed that as a part of steel 110G13L the amount of carbon, silicon and sulfur has to be minimized.
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