The effect of vibrational impact of low power density on the morfology of hypereutectic silumins
vibration, low power density, hypereutectic silumins.Abstract
Improving the quality of castings by bringing to the solidifying metal vibrations of small power density is still not widely industrial applications and requires further study. In connection with this work is dedicated to finding ways to improve the structure and enhance the mechanical and operational characteristics of cast products based on the use of the impact of vibrations on the liquid metal during solidification, is relevant. The aim of this work is to study the effect of vibration exposure low power density on the morphology of hypereutectic silumin. Methods. Vibration treatment was performed using a generator of electromagnetic oscillations 0.25 kW with adjustable frequencies in the range 0 ... 300 Hz. The Results. Experimental data confirm the positive effect of the low power density vibration on the structure, morphology, mechanical properties of hypereutectic silumins. Scientific novelty. For the first time by X-ray analysis revealed that under the influence of mechanical vibrations in the structure of hypereutectic Al-Si alloy, there are signs of Education hexagonal silicon. The practical significance. Thin vibrating oscillations under the chosenconditions of casting, the most significant effect on the structure and strength of the eutectic using audio frequency range of 50 Hz ~. This approach allows for low energy consumption effectively influence the structure and properties of materials containing elements of eutectic crystallization.
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