Assessment of radiation hazardous according to recommendations of the international commission on radiological protection
радионуклид, радиационная опасность, уровень облучения, радиационная защита, эквивалентная доза.Abstract
Introduction. In conducting research and evaluation of radiation hazards in the radiation-contaminated area we took into account the recommendations to meet the requirements of the concept of radiation safety in Ukraine. The concept of radiation safety of the population of Ukraine is based on the provisions set out in the recommendations of the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP recommendations below). They set out the research and development of domestic and foreign experts [1 - 3] and the Radiation Safety Standards of Ukraine (hereinafter NRBU-97), which are based on Radiation Safety of the USSR (NRB-76/87), the experience of liquidation of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, which are national regulations in the field of radiation safety. [4]. Purpose. According to the ICRP recommendations, it is determined that: "... The purpose of radiation protection should be to prevent harmful non-stochastic effects and to limit the probability of stochastic effects to a level considered acceptable ...". To achieve this, the Commission recommends limiting doses. Conclusion. To determine the actual dose limits (total effective dose to personnel or the population) should be monitored work area for the staff and the territory of the enterprise, as well as the environment and for the population that allows us to estimate the level of radiation hazards, taking into account the multi-year measurement and identification of speakers.References
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