The estimation of shock air waves propagation in lengthy buildings subject to dissipation of gas stream internal energy


  • N. N. Nalisko State Higher Education Establishment “Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture”, 24-A, Chernishevskogo str., Dnipropetrovsk 49600, Ukraine, Ukraine


wrecking area, shock air wave, numerical account, gas dynamics, heat stream, internal energy.


In the conditions of coal mines underground building one of the main affecting factor of gas-air mixture explosion is a shock air wave. For the computation of explosion protective buildings there exist a normative base, which is rested upon experimental data. However, a problem of estimation of a shock air wave propagation reliable parameters still stays urgent. One of the prospective direction in computation of sharply nonsteady tasks is the numerical methods usage. Nowadays there has been offered a solution of a problem of shock waves propagation in a mine excavation with the help of a numerical account scheme of gas dynamic equations by a “coarse parts” modification method. In a task there is taken into account a factor of gas stream movement energy descent subject to involvement in a movement increasing due to distance air masses and subject to action of gas stream friction forces of excavation walls. It is required a development of a process mathematic model of shock air waves propagation along mine workings by substantiation a method of parameters computation of their attenuation due to stream heat exchange to excavation walls. Analysis and generalization of theoretical researches, mathematical modeling of gas dynamic processes of shock air waves propagation in lengthy buildings. Findings. There has been substantiated a computation method of shock air waves propagation parameters along mine workings subject to stream heat exchange to excavation walls. Originality. In a work there has been improved a numerical scheme of gas dynamic computation, in which on Euler stage, there is offered a modeling of heat exchange of gas stream with excavation walls as a heat balance between internal energy of a gas stream whole volume and heat withdrawal in the channel walls, based on the law of conservation of energy.  An obtained scheme of a numerical account allows taking into account all physical factors affecting on the shock air waves propagation process and carrying out a numerical experiment for obtaining prompt and reliable parameters of shock wave.

Author Biography

N. N. Nalisko, State Higher Education Establishment “Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture”, 24-A, Chernishevskogo str., Dnipropetrovsk 49600, Ukraine

Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Assoc. Prof., Department of vital activity safety


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Life Safety