Study of protective efficiency of dust respirators in terms of available additional leakage points


  • V. І. Golinko State Higher Educational Institution National Mining University, ul. Karl Marx, 19, 49000, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, Ukraine
  • V. E. Kolesnik State Higher Educational Institution National Mining University, ul. Karl Marx, 19, 49005, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine, Ukraine
  • S. І. Cheberiachko State Higher Educational Institution National Mining University, ul. Karl Marx, 19, 49005, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, Ukraine


Respiratory, breathing resistance, penetration coefficient filter.


EN 140 standard requires testing of insulation properties of respirators (aspiration coefficient along obturation line). The test is performed with the help of ten examinants with the mounted filter simulators with natrium chlorine and paraffin oil test-aerosols. While testing it is necessary to do 7 exercises (each of them lasts 2 minutes). It requires considerable timing; moreover it is unknown how beneficial it is to do the exercises for such a long period of time. This research studied the method to test aspiration effect upon protective properties by means of measuring respirator resistance. To do this it is necessary to determine half-mask resistance using dummy head being fixed hermetically in terms of specified values of air aspiration along obturation line. The difference between these resistances makes it possible to determine the value of the gap between a half-mask and test person’s face. There are also the results indicating the effect of air aspiration location along obturation line upon protective efficiency.  It has been determined that different flow dynamics can be observed under the mask; gaps near cheek have the most considerable effect upon penetration coefficient. It has been specified that gaps up to 1 mm have minor effect upon protective efficiency of respirators.

Author Biographies

V. І. Golinko, State Higher Educational Institution National Mining University, ul. Karl Marx, 19, 49000, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine

Dr. Sc. (Tech.), Prof., The department of Aerology and laboure protection

V. E. Kolesnik, State Higher Educational Institution National Mining University, ul. Karl Marx, 19, 49005, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine

Dr. Sc. (Tech.), Prof., Professor of the Ecology Department

S. І. Cheberiachko, State Higher Educational Institution National Mining University, ul. Karl Marx, 19, 49005, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine

Cand. Sc. (Tech.), Associate Professor, Department of aerology and labor protection


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Life Safety