Ecological estimation of the soil disturbance as a result of the building activities.
soil, building activities, toxicity, contamination.Abstract
Raising of problem. Created as a result of the building activities, urboecosystems provide human requirements to the comfortable habitation, but initiate a number of environmental problems, which associated with the degradation of the environmental components, especially soil – a link deposit varieties foreign substance and are the habitat of living organisms due to its protective function. Ecological estimation of soil disturbance of the building activity should, firstly, cover all functions, because they provide a large extent urboecosystem homeostasis; secondly, to include the most important representative indicators of the typical activity, fast and informative indicate disturbances. Purpose. Conduct a determining of the negative effects of the building activities to the soil by the ecological estimation of the disturbance of the agrophysical and agrochemical properties, and toxicity to living organisms. Comparative ecological estimation of the transformed urban soil by the building activities performed with regard zonal soil for Ukrainian Northern Steppe – common chernozem with the high content of the humus for the agrophysical and agrochemical indexes: humus content, depth of the humus profile, the reaction of the soil environment, grain size, stoniness, quantity of the debris. The overall toxicity of the soil environment was determined by R.R.Kabirov using as a test culture, oats sowing for the following test functions: energy of the germination, root length, seedling height, and dry biomass. Conclusion. The basic directions of the negative impact of the building activitieshas been justified to the biosphere and defined its consequences: transformation of the soil profile, soil compaction, loss of the fertility, phytocenosis degradation. Formed as a result of building activities, urbanozem imitated characteristics of the zonal soil – common chernozem with high content of humus in the loess, but had worse agrophysical and agrochemical properties and low toxicity due to a contamination of the harmful substances in the impact of the anthropogenic factors to the urboecosystem.
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