The possibility of creating energetically efficient and environmentally friendly green technologies in the conditions of ukraine.


  • T. N. Tkachenko Labour Safety & Environmental Protection Department, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture, Address: 31 Vozdukhoflocki ave., Kyiv, 03680, Ukraine., Ukraine


energetically efficient green technologies, green roof, intensive roofs, steppe vegetation type.


Purpose. To consider the possibility of green roof development in the conditions of Ukraine. Methodology. Intensively constructed green roof with steppe vegetation. Developing the roof, the 9 layers were laid down on bearing structures. Those layers were: 1. Cement and sand screed. 2. Steam isolating stretch wrap 3. Thermal isolation. 4. Protective (separating) layer. 5. Waterproofing. 6. Roof-protective layer. 7. Drainage layer. 8. Filtrating layer. 9. Clay substrate. General status of plants was evaluated visually on a 5-point scale: 5 - no traces of death of plants; 4 - slight damage; 3 – nearly half of plants have lost; 2 - more than half of plants have lost; 1 – plants have lost completely. In addition, the ability of plants to tolerate unfavorable summer conditions such as strong increase in temperature was defined. Plants' condition during this period was also determined visually using the same scale. Results. It was experimentally established that all 9 layers for the intensive type of roof were picked and put accurately and qualitatively. For the future, such a layered structure can be recommended for the creation of green roofs of intensive type with plants which have small volume of a root system, since the layer of a soil has 0.80 m. It is proved that for greenery planting it is better to use young (1-2 years) plant material, which grows and survives better. It was found that the self-regulating persistent steppe plant community is forming on the third year of the roof existence. Used for landscaping steppe plants are resistant to low winter and high summer temperatures. Scientific novelty. Proven ability to create energy-saving intensive green roofs in technogenic and climatic conditions of Ukraine using local construction and planting materials. Practical value. The proposed layered construction is durable and resistant to climatic conditions of Ukraine. Steppe type of green roof seems to be promising for Ukrainian drought regions.

Author Biography

T. N. Tkachenko, Labour Safety & Environmental Protection Department, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture, Address: 31 Vozdukhoflocki ave., Kyiv, 03680, Ukraine.

ph. d. (biology), associate prof.


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