Problem of exposure radon in living spaces and ways to suppress the radon risk in an environmentally friendly house.


  • E. А. Timoshenko Department of Ecology and Environmental Protection, State Higher Education Establishment “Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture”, 24-A, Chernishevskogo str., Dnipropetrovsk 49600, Ukraine., Ukraine


radiation safety, environmentally safe home, radon hazard, radon and its daughter products of decay, equivalent equilibrium volume activity of radon.


Purpose. Analysis of the nature of radon and its compounds and their effects on human sources of radon in the house and how to suppress the radon risk are the objectives of this article. Basic material research. The principle of registration of radon in the air based on the registration of ions decay daughter products. Activity concentration of radon in indoor air is formed mainly from the soil. The structure and the structure of the Earth's crust is determined diffusion processes radon atoms, their migration ability. An important factor that reduces the flow of radon in the room is the choice of site for construction. In addition to soil and air source of radon in a home is a building material. The radiation dose to the lungs is determined by the DWP radon equivalent equilibrium volume activity of radon. The main source of indoor radon are not construction materials, and the ground under the house itself. The
basic directions of regional and state programs Radiation Safety of Ukraine. Systematized number of preventive measures to be applied in order to prevent possible accumulation of radon in the living room. Findings. Formulated the problem of radon penetration into the living room. Practical value. The problem of radon penetration into living quarters and radon protection of buildings deep enough and long studied by many scientists. Solution of the problem reducing the level of ionizing radiation radionuclides construction projects is possible only at the stage of designing a house when you can develop and provide a comprehensive solution to increase the radiation quality product that meets the principles of radiation protection concepts and human requirements ISO-9000. Design and construction of modern, environmentally sound residential buildings and actual demand in complex economic and ecological conditions in Ukraine. Formulated factors influencing the variability of the activity of radon in the air of environmentally sound residential buildings in Ukraine.

Author Biography

E. А. Timoshenko, Department of Ecology and Environmental Protection, State Higher Education Establishment “Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture”, 24-A, Chernishevskogo str., Dnipropetrovsk 49600, Ukraine.

cand. sc. (tech.).


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