Main features work flexible resource bar composite structures.


  • L. I. Storozhenko Department of constructions of metal, wood and plastics, the Poltava National Technical Yuri Kondratyuk University, Pervomajskij Prospect, 24, 36011, Poltava, Ukraine., Ukraine
  • D. A. Ermolenko Department of constructions of metal, wood and plastics, the Poltava National Technical Yuri Kondratyuk University, Pervomajskij Prospect, 24, 36011, Poltava, Ukraine., Ukraine
  • S. O. Murza Department of constructions of metal, wood and plastics, the Poltava National Technical Yuri Kondratyuk University, Pervomajskij Prospect, 24, 36011, Poltava, Ukraine., Ukraine


composite structures, сoncrete filled steel tubes construction, flexibility, deformability.


Purpose. Important issue is to study the work of flexible composite elements, in particular research work сoncrete filled steel tubes construction designs depending on the length of the eccentricity of the load. Methodology. Analysis of experimental studies of flexible resource-core composite structures. Findings. By the nature of the relative longitudinal deformations along the length of the flexible eccentrically compressed sample shows that the peak value is observed in the middle of the sample, and with the approach of the supports to their magnitude decreases. And when the initial value of the degree of loading deformations slightly different, but the ultimate limit state the difference between them was more significant. In flexible eccentrically compressed сoncrete filled steel tubes construction samples stretched shell deformation zones in absolute value is considerably less than the compressive strain zones can be traced to the schedule, they do not reach the value of the yield stress, even the destruction of the samples. Thus, to describe the stress-strain state of flexible eccentrically compressed сoncrete filled steel tubes construction elements crucial to the compressed area. Originality. The growth curves in the elastic stage of the work material occur slightly, and when the shell material compressed zone yield curves sharply. This phenomenon is explained by the characteristic deformation of concrete in the tunnel and its influence on the deformability of the element as a whole. The process of redistribution of stresses between the pipe and concrete in the test samples сoncrete filled steel tubes construction short-acting stress is largely dependent on the relative lengths of the elements, the eccentricity of the application of an external load, the reinforcement ratio, as well as the magnitude of the external load. Deformations of tubular specimens regardless of eccentricity and flexible member are about two times greater than the deformation сoncrete filled steel tubes construction respective samples. Practical value. Investigation of the stability problem in flexible composite structures resource in determining the bearing capacity has increased significantly since the destruction of composite structures is most often associated with the loss of overall stability or their individual components - local buckling.

Author Biographies

L. I. Storozhenko, Department of constructions of metal, wood and plastics, the Poltava National Technical Yuri Kondratyuk University, Pervomajskij Prospect, 24, 36011, Poltava, Ukraine.

dr. sc. (tech.), prof.

D. A. Ermolenko, Department of constructions of metal, wood and plastics, the Poltava National Technical Yuri Kondratyuk University, Pervomajskij Prospect, 24, 36011, Poltava, Ukraine.

dr. sc. (tech.), associate professor.

S. O. Murza, Department of constructions of metal, wood and plastics, the Poltava National Technical Yuri Kondratyuk University, Pervomajskij Prospect, 24, 36011, Poltava, Ukraine.

ph.d., doctoral student.


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