Reliability analysis of composite steel concrete beams with external reinforcement with torsional strain.


  • O. P. Voskobiinyk Research department, Poltava national technical Yuri Kondratyuk university , Pershotravnevyi avenues, 24, Poltava, Ukraine., Ukraine
  • О. V. Semko Architecture and urban engineering., Ukraine
  • O. V. Skyba
  • O. M. Ubyy-Vovk


composite steel concrete beams with an external sheet reinforcement, the combined effect of bending with torsion, reliability, simulation method (Monte Carlo), numerical experiment, unified approximated polynomial equation.


Purpose. Most of the bearing and enclosing structures during their operation work in a complex deformations: oblique bending, torsion, bending with torsion. The combined effect of bending with torsion deformations of bearing and ceiling beams of buildings and structures caused by a number of objective factors: one-sided (asymmetric) loading during the installation and operational nature of the application of temporary loads and their settlement ties, etc. Methodology. The proposed method of probability calculation of composite steel concrete beams with external reinforcement, based on the method of the simulation (Monte-Carlo) approximating polynomial equation and bearing capacity obtained in the range of number of the experiments. This approach allows to take into account the actual effect on the reliability of complex torsion and bending deformation structures. Findings. Analyzed the influence of torsional strain on the actual reliability of composite steel concrete beams with exterior sheet reinforcement. Comparison of the results of statistical modeling with experimental data claims evidence of satisfactory coincidence (within one standard) with the simulated distribution of load-bearing capacity of the test samples. Originality. Has been developed probabilistic method for calculation of the composite steel concrete structures that work in a complex deformations. Practical value. Developed practical methods of probabilistic calculation of composite structures, experiencing the combined action of bending with torsion, allow us to estimate the actual reliability and failness of this type of structural elements in a complex of measures to ensure their safe and reliable operation.

Author Biographies

O. P. Voskobiinyk, Research department, Poltava national technical Yuri Kondratyuk university , Pershotravnevyi avenues, 24, Poltava, Ukraine.

ph.d. senior researcher.

О. V. Semko, Architecture and urban engineering.

ph.d., professor.

O. V. Skyba

undergraduate student.

O. M. Ubyy-Vovk

graduate student


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