Residential house on floating platform with mooring system of reinforced concrete pillars.


  • S. Yev. Shekhorkina Department of Reinforced-Concrete and Stone Constructions, State Higher Education Establishment “Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture”, 24-A, Chernishevskogo str., Dnipropetrovs’k 49600, Ukraine., Ukraine


floating residential house, technical and exploitation parameters, bearing capacity, design codes.


Purpose. Construction on the water is sufficiently multi-functional direction and meets the needs of expanding building areas, as well as the adaptation of the artificial environment to the consequences of climatic conditions changes. During the construction of floating buildings on the ponds with shallow depth the use of traditional flexible mooring systems is often difficult, therefore, there is the problem of providing a constant location, namely a movement limitation of the building in a horizontal plane. A possible solution of this problem is to replace the flexible mooring system with vertical pillars or direct supporting of reinforced concrete pontoon on the ground reservoir. However, existing constructive solutions have several disadvantages and can not be used in pure form in the Ukraine. Thus, the article discusses the design of a residential building on a high capacity floating platform with mooring system in the form of concrete pillars. Results. To ensure the stability of a floating platform of buildings on the water during the construction on the ponds with shallow depth a constructive solution of the mooring system with reinforced concrete pillars was proposed. On the example of representative eco-building design procedure is summarized, as well as the analysis of technical and exploitation parameters and the stress-strain state of floating building structures according to the requirements of the shipbuilding and construction rules. On the basis of the obtained data it is found that the mooring system ensures the stability of high capacity concrete floating platform in the horizontal plane in compliance with current normative documents requirements. Thus the proposed design solution can be used for the construction of floating buildings in conditions of Ukraine. Scientific novelty. Constructive solution of floating platform with mooring system of reinforced concrete pillars is improved, as well as data on the technical and exploitation parameters and characteristics of the stress-strain state of the proposed design are obtained. Practical value. The proposed design solution of floating platform with mooring system of reinforced concrete pillars allows erecting floating buildings on ponds with varying depth, and can also be used for the safe housing construction in areas subjected to seasonal flooding.

Author Biography

S. Yev. Shekhorkina, Department of Reinforced-Concrete and Stone Constructions, State Higher Education Establishment “Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture”, 24-A, Chernishevskogo str., Dnipropetrovs’k 49600, Ukraine.



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