Factors of influence on the patterns cracking in concrete cover due to corrosion of rebar.
concrete, rebar, corrosion of reinforcement, concrete cover, cracking of concrete.Abstract
Purpose. Cracking of the concrete area around the reinforcement, which corrodes, a very common phenomenon and is a significant part of all defects in concrete structures. Painting concrete cracking, which occurs during this very varied and depends on many factors. Establishing pattern around the reinforcement of concrete cracking that corrodes depending on the concrete design element is the aim of this study. Methodology. Searched information on research publications, which allowed the model to provide a certain concrete cracking due to corrosion of reinforcement. The generalization of their own field studies and established the distinction between field data and the known models. Experimental studies have helped to create more accurate models of concrete cracking. Findings. Found that the cracking of the concrete around the pattern of the reinforcing bar which corrodes, depends on the design of reinforced concrete element. First of all, this dependence affects the ratio of the diameter of the rod to the thickness of the protective layer of concrete. So crack front at the surface of the concrete in front of the bar there is only a relatively small thickness of the protective layer. With the growth of the relative thickness of the protective layer of the cracks will be a few, and with further increase of the crack front is not formed. With a relatively large thickness of the protective layer in non-aggressive environment cracks do not come to the surface. Even more variety cracking pattern is observed when the group of rods arranged in the edge of the rod member and the like. Originality. Clarified model of concrete cover cracking due to corrosion of reinforcement. The dependences of paintings from cracking ratio of the diameter of the rod to the thickness of the concrete cover. Practical value. Using the results of the study at the design stage allows to predict how will the destruction of the protective layer of concrete due to corrosion of the reinforcement, and thereby minimize the amount of damage. Understanding the processes of cracking can properly evaluate and diagnose the condition of the structure by type of cracks on the surface of the concrete element in field surveys.
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