Modeling sss steel ties and reinforced dowels, as an element of the gain large-residential building series 1-480
Reinforced with dowels bracket, indent, large-building, stress-strain state.Abstract
Raising of problem. In Ukraine there are housing a total area of about 1 billion. or 10.4 million m2 of buildings. According to statistical estimates of physical deterioration of residential buildings first mass series is estimated around 60%. According to the forecasts in the next decade the proportion of old and dilapidated housing in some areas of the country will reach 70-90%. The situation is complicated by the fact that almost never carried out a planned overhaul of buildings that can prolong their life. The problem of ensuring the durability of structures and buildings made of concrete and reinforced concrete is now becoming increasingly important. Large scale use of these building materials in aggressive actions cause significant costs of funds for repairs and renewals during the life of the structure. Butt joints of panels is the most critical elements of the support system panel building, and above all their compounds on metal embedded parts, which are often subject to corrosion. When corrosive destruction of these
structural elements is reduced strength and stiffness of the spatial structures and buildings in general, thermal performance deteriorates due to the destruction of the material walling. Purpose The aim is to study the stress-strain state (SSS) of large apartment buildings (for example, a series 1-480) with corrosion of reinforcing ties. Conclusion. To determine the necessary parameters of elements of strengthening vertical joints of large buildings at different possible corrosion of reinforcing ties panels modeled stress - strain state nodal joints of exterior wall panels of large buildings Series 1-480 reinforced polimerrastvornymi reinforced dowels with bracket ( Paschs). It has been established that the corrosion of embedded parts by 50%, wall panels must usilyat reinforcing bars 12 mm, and only on the 5th floor at the top of the fixing is necessary to make strengthening reinforcement bars diameter 14 mm, and 70% increased wall panels are made of 14 mm rebar and only Top mortgages details 5th floor reinforcement bars 20 mm in diameter.
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