Analysis of design parameters of mobile service tower.
mobile service tower, vertical assembly building, finite element modeling, design optimization, LIRA-SAPR.Abstract
This paper tackles with the problem of analysis of the design parameters of the mobile service tower, that is being devised by Pridneprovs’k State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture in collaboration with the «M. K. Yangelya state enterprise «Design Bureau «South»». The main goal of this study was to find such design parameters which will minimize the weight of the mobile service tower, and also have sufficient reliability for continuation of operation after the case of a hurricane impact. This problem was solved by us with the help of the finite element analysis. 36 spatial analytical models were created in the software "Lira-SAPR 2013". In these models part of the possible combinations of design parameters that defined the scheme of support for mobile service tower was reflected. Special attention was paid to the analysis of combinations that included hurricane impact with wind speed of 50 m/s. As a result of structural analysis of spatial frame concepts of mobile service tower we obtained significant amount of data that was subsequently evaluated and organized. Results show that supports type can significantly influence performance of the structure. Evaluation and assessment of all the presented options was made. Explanation of the final structural concept choice was presented. It was also proven that extreme wind conditions can pose significant threats to structures that are not significantly restrained by the foundation. Results that are provided prove the initial hypothesis that to withstand hurricane wind loads without additional restraints structure prime dimensions has to be increased.
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