Knot strength interface pre-slabs and monolithic beams precast and cast-in-situ deck.
Building structures, precast and cast-in-situ-deck, strength floor.Abstract
Raising of problem. Prior to the 90s in Ukraine tended construction of residential, public and industrial buildings of prefabricated structures. This enabled the use of multigrade industrial construction, but resulted in a significant increase in the cost of buildings due to typing, unification and standardization and improvement of transport costs for delivery of raw materials to factories and finished products - to the consumer. Also disadvantages of such buildings is monotonous architectural design, the inability of transformation space-planning decisions during the operation. At present, the most widespread in Ukraine is a monolithic frame construction. But along with the benefits (free choice of planning decisions, which is independent of the typical elements), High-rise building has its drawbacks. Spans, due to a significant own weight in the construction of monolithic frame fixed in length, increased consumption of steel, the need for large amounts of expensive inventory forms and supporting devices; construction season (summer, the need to use special devices for humidifying the concrete during the winter heating or the use of special cold-resistant additives), which increases the cost of construction. Combining the advantages possible with the use of precast-monolithic systems of buildings with flat floor, which uses massively individual parts prefabricated and monolithic structure.. Purpose. The aim is to study the stress-strain state (SSS) of reinforced concrete prefabricated monolithic planar slab of precast hollow core slabs and monolithic beams. Conclusion. Proposed analytical and numerical methods for calculating the strength, taking into account the stage of destruction. On the basis of the analytical method revealed that to ensure the strength of the support section of the plate is necessary to introduce a discount factor equal to 0.8, which takes into account the non-uniformity of inclusion in the work of shear reinforcement.
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