Comparative analysis of technologicalness of modern methods of connection of armature.


  • А. V. Radkevych Department of Building Production and Geodesy, Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport of the name of academician V. Lazaryan, Lazaryan street , 2, 49010 Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine., Ukraine
  • А. M. Netesa Department of Building Production and Geodesy, Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport of the name of academician V. Lazaryan, Lazaryan street , 2, 49010 Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine., Ukraine


armature, mechanical connection, screw-thread muffs, network chart, erection, framework, critical way.


Purpose. Modern technological receptions foresee editing of armature frameworks with the different methods of connection of armature. The final choice of method of connection of armature takes place mainly on the economic (cost) and structural (reliability and possibility of application) considering. The technologicalness of method of connection of armature practically is not taken into account, however often it results in the increase of terms of building, decline of reliability of building process, dependence on the workers of high qualification and other factors. It is therefore necessary to conduct research in relation to determination of perspective methods of connection of armature from the point of view of technologicalness of building process. Methods. Development of sequences of implementation of works for the process of device of vertical bearing constructions of monolithic reinforce-concrete framework with the use of different methods of connection of armature. Development of network charts with distribution of works in relation to a technological sequence and requirement in the use of basic грузоподъемного mechanism (tower faucet). Comparative analysis of technological parameters. Results. Conducted comparative analysis of technological parameters for the processes of device of vertical bearing constructions for the different methods of connection of armature. A lap-joint of armature is most rapid and economical from the point of view of labor, but the high cost of armature does not allow widely to use this method in building. Welding of armature the welding of economical, however entails considerable work- and temporal expenses. Connection of armature by means of screw-thread muffs is optimal. This connection requires less трудозатрат considerably, what welding of bars, at in relation to a subzero cost and high-rate of realization of works. Scientific novelty. The worked out sequences of implementation of works of process on erection of vertical bearing constructions of monolithic reinforce-concrete frameworks of building allow to define the most labour intensive operations which lie on the critical way of network chart. The analysis of трудозатрат and search of rational perfection of such works, including. by the choice of optimal method of connection of armature, will allow to cut down expenses time on erection of vertical bearing constructions and optimize a productive process. Practical meaningfulness. The brought analysis over will allow more rationally to go near the choice of optimal method of connection of re-barss at planning and erection of reinforce-concrete framework of building, promote building speed and optimize a building process.

Author Biography

А. V. Radkevych, Department of Building Production and Geodesy, Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport of the name of academician V. Lazaryan, Lazaryan street , 2, 49010 Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine.

e.d, prof.


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